38th Snowstorm Classic Season Points
Week 10 of 10
Males Overall Point Leaders
Plc Name Club Ag Div Div/Tot Point WK01 WK02 WK03 WK04 WK05 WK06 WK07 WK08 WK09 WK10
=== ======================== ===== == ===== ======= ===== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ====
1 Joe Kenney 33 M2039 1/054 9304 903 800 948 936 950 922 969 931 945 1000
2 Jason Beaver EORC 16 M0119 1/008 8543 923 1000 976 960 1000 966 1000 718 1000
3 Michael Shea EORC 32 M2039 2/054 8467 792 723 863 801 887 846 916 817 890 932
4 Matthew Killian EORC 37 M2039 3/054 8163 861 886 909 919 879 919 914 891 985
5 Dan McNair GSH 43 M4049 1/036 8154 809 676 829 810 844 806 853 812 836 879
6 Matt Geanacopoulos WMDP 29 M2039 4/054 7900 861 892 891 823 865 906 834 882 946
7 Norm Fuller WMDP 58 M5059 1/051 7421 812 794 804 850 797 855 814 828 867
8 David Abbott EORC 55 M5059 2/051 7292 729 837 803 776 821 790 836 825 875
9 Jorge Sosa EORC 41 M4049 2/036 7266 701 642 725 735 744 683 739 733 767 797
10 Doug Manners 63 M6069 1/039 7066 683 702 706 702 722 673 718 704 699 757
11 Scott Rossi GSH 54 M5059 3/051 6892 732 789 777 744 770 786 711 784 799
12 Brett Abbott 20 M2039 5/054 6750 633 728 735 803 742 827 601 827 854
13 Chris Ryan 47 M4049 3/036 6566 723 611 751 726 758 714 757 735 791
14 Peter Briggeman HTC 60 M6069 2/039 6562 691 737 712 736 700 745 700 749 792
15 Gerry Kane GSH 66 M6069 3/039 6538 651 660 661 621 656 622 652 659 653 703
16 Gareth Buckley 41 M4049 4/036 6259 867 889 852 911 896 887 957
17 Hiram Cruz 36 M2039 6/054 6169 581 676 729 768 700 641 617 769 688
18 Royce Yeomans 53 M5059 4/051 5838 727 743 770 636 760 732 660 810
19 Steve O'Neil GSH 66 M6069 4/039 5818 671 698 739 699 751 715 749 796
20 Pete Westover SMAC 73 M7099 1/008 5719 641 556 632 630 610 660 644 648 698
21 Derek Bushey 33 M2039 7/054 5676 626 598 601 601 661 655 666 654 614
22 Doug Guertin GSH 54 M5059 5/051 5318 506 872 587 643 655 630 638 787
23 Don DeCain GSH 60 M6069 5/039 5288 613 663 673 621 673 655 666 724
24 Tom Walsh HTC 62 M6069 6/039 5124 649 590 677 609 647 624 667 661
25 Bruce Christensen 49 M4049 5/036 5110 926 872 768 880 814 850
26 Sean Wandrei 43 M4049 6/036 5049 668 783 657 757 697 770 717
27 Rich Clark GSH 63 M6069 7/039 5030 694 695 761 668 765 708 739
28 Dennis Hogan EORC 63 M6069 8/039 5014 643 637 544 663 617 627 623 660
29 Pete Campbell EORC 53 M5059 6/051 4956 685 707 640 725 695 729 775
30 Richard Knurek 69 M6069 9/039 4940 548 620 630 603 626 626 630 657
31 Doug Bielefeld GSH 58 M5059 7/051 4860 657 650 737 670 741 683 722
32 Joe Nichols EORC 50 M5059 8/051 4753 771 798 805 787 817 775
33 Dan Drohan EORC 21 M2039 8/054 4672 757 775 751 765 790 834
34 Samuel Cruz 9 M0119 2/008 4633 581 677 729 700 641 617 688
35 Kevin Pfau GSH 58 M5059 9/051 4486 726 755 701 748 747 809
36 Robert Hewes GSH 51 M5059 10/051 4331 836 877 868 867 883
37 Tim Londo GSH 52 M5059 11/051 4303 782 657 737 694 716 717
38 George Walker GSH 74 M7099 2/008 4170 570 591 603 595 586 591 634
39 Thomas Peabody 53 M5059 12/051 4120 654 690 651 677 698 750
40 Garrett Lemek 57 M5059 13/051 4033 664 682 693 649 667 678
41 Rob Carpenter 60 M6069 10/039 3951 598 581 644 606 654 868
42 Gerry Keavany 58 M5059 14/051 3857 507 598 654 673 631 794
43 Dave Haryasz 59 M5059 15/051 3835 527 560 526 569 543 561 549
44 Dennis Roche WMDP 31 M2039 9/054 3763 1000 1000 763 1000
45 Bob Goodrow GSH 61 M6069 11/039 3722 511 851 767 768 825
46 Jason Thayer 39 M2039 10/054 3703 729 708 742 762 762
47 Bill Lodi GSH 47 M4049 7/036 3571 504 600 562 653 638 614
48 Frank Rucki GSH 68 M6069 12/039 3421 672 691 664 702 692
49 Adam Long 47 M4049 8/036 3351 563 619 473 541 540 615
50 Tom Deluca GSH 62 M6069 13/039 3299 654 611 678 649 707
51 Winston Nunes GSH 68 M6069 14/039 3235 605 615 670 637 708
52 Stephen Penna EORC 62 M6069 15/039 3106 545 651 627 623 660
53 Joe Giannetti GSH 50 M5059 16/051 3059 604 595 562 655 643
54 Robert Johnson EORC 39 M2039 11/054 3017 556 599 651 608 603
55 Kevin Tranberg HTC 49 M4049 9/036 2858 683 722 710 743
56 Matt Nichols EORC 24 M2039 12/054 2829 681 742 699 707
57 David Johnson 35 M2039 13/054 2778 543 519 567 547 602
58 David Bruton GSH 57 M5059 17/051 2758 664 682 693 719
59 Pete Stasz GSH 70 M7099 3/008 2751 424 464 462 483 506 412
60 Sean Harper WMDP 29 M2039 14/054 2723 894 849 980
61 Chris Thornton 44 M4049 10/036 2674 668 647 625 734
62 Phil Roucoulet HTC 45 M4049 11/036 2659 851 864 944
63 Terry Shotland 62 M6069 16/039 2612 646 649 654 663
64 Mark Dinicola GSH 50 M5059 18/051 2542 825 870 847
65 Dave Martula SMAC 72 M7099 4/008 2476 603 641 630 602
66 Glen Meisenhelder 38 M2039 15/054 2366 872 585 909
67 Ken Clark GSH 55 M5059 19/051 2349 678 819 852
68 Brian Goddu GSH 68 M6069 17/039 2206 472 464 430 439 401
69 Anthony Leroux 33 M2039 16/054 2105 805 644 656
70 Seth Roberts GSH 66 M6069 18/039 2084 698 661 725
71 Rusty Sherman GSH 61 M6069 19/039 1981 603 710 668
72 Robert Kiss 35 M2039 17/054 1942 615 658 669
73 Jason Snukis 38 M2039 18/054 1901 601 634 666
74 Robert Averill SMAC 67 M6069 20/039 1872 421 498 458 495
75 James Liebel GSH 69 M6069 21/039 1847 452 469 421 505
76 Jack Benjamin 28 M2039 19/054 1835 928 907
77 Cotton Hewes GSH 16 M0119 3/008 1821 886 935
78 Tom Burns 55 M5059 20/051 1772 580 586 606
79 John Minervino SR 54 M5059 21/051 1708 855 853
80 Don Grant SMAC 75 M7099 5/008 1669 410 427 420 412
81 Pete Kakos SMAC 41 M4049 12/036 1570 764 806
82 Peter Ferraro MRC 33 M2039 20/054 1549 744 805
83 Colby Currie 33 M2039 21/054 1501 756 745
84 Jeff Harrington EORC 48 M4049 13/036 1500 739 761
85 Peter Ouellette 31 M2039 22/054 1498 727 771
86 Tim Gaudet EORC 62 M6069 22/039 1486 735 751
87 Matt Smith 37 M2039 23/054 1478 701 777
88 Jack Stack GSH 69 M6069 23/039 1472 482 498 492
89 Steve Virgadaula GSH 57 M5059 22/051 1463 730 733
90 Tony Bonanno SS 52 M5059 23/051 1405 656 749
91 Michael Brennan 15 M0119 4/008 1404 688 716
92 Daniel Fruwirth 53 M5059 24/051 1385 676 709
93 Danny Caldicott 53 M5059 25/051 1380 669 711
94 Mark Sullivan GSH 63 M6069 24/039 1377 649 728
95 Anthony Principe 33 M2039 24/054 1370 695 675
96 Bill Drohan 49 M4049 14/036 1365 641 724
97 Dayne Stewkesbury 53 M5059 26/051 1363 651 712
98 Stephen Brault 54 M5059 27/051 1323 635 688
99 Jim Sullivan GSH 53 M5059 28/051 1314 657 657
100 John Pierce 23 M2039 25/054 1207 585 622
101 Brent Stratton HTC 61 M6069 25/039 1118 540 578
102 Mathew Kozlak 32 M2039 26/054 1072 528 544
103 Brian Krussell HFC 28 M2039 27/054 1000 1000
Bryan Dec 19 M0119 5/008 1000 1000
105 Adam Bulewich MRC 41 M4049 15/036 995 995
106 Scott Fugere 46 M4049 16/036 986 483 503
107 Mark Rabasco WMDP 23 M2039 28/054 981 981
108 Matt Sheremeta SMAC 50 M5059 29/051 972 972
109 Jordan Varano 38 M2039 29/054 970 970
110 David Estabrook WMDP 32 M2039 30/054 959 959
Zack Patnode WMDP 29 M2039 30/054 959 959
112 Owen Bannish 23 M2039 32/054 946 946
113 James Kopcsay 34 M2039 33/054 940 940
114 Christ Gould GSH 52 M5059 30/051 930 930
115 Andrew Reagan 28 M2039 34/054 923 923
116 Chris Pelliccia 32 M2039 35/054 905 905
117 Jeff Dickey 41 M4049 17/036 889 889
118 Jordan Pike MRC 31 M2039 36/054 883 883
119 Kyle Parzich 25 M2039 37/054 878 878
120 Todd Bennett SS 47 M4049 18/036 876 876
121 Connor Mahan 24 M2039 38/054 875 875
122 Preston Viereck 21 M2039 39/054 871 871
123 Eric Wyzga 42 M4049 19/036 870 870
124 John Matthews 61 M6069 26/039 860 860
125 Paul Fratini GSH 52 M5059 31/051 858 858
126 Eric Ciocca 40 M4049 20/036 848 848
127 John Paggioli 52 M5059 32/051 847 847
128 Steve O'Neill Jr 22 M2039 40/054 838 838
129 Luke Hodge 49 M4049 21/036 836 836
130 Tom Ashton 37 M2039 41/054 835 835
131 Art Podgorski GSH 54 M5059 33/051 832 832
132 Thomas Witkop 46 M4049 22/036 820 820
133 Tim Dannay 31 M2039 42/054 814 814
134 Marco Trask 28 M2039 43/054 794 794
135 Vin Garofoli CMS 60 M6069 27/039 793 793
136 Cameron Currie 31 M2039 44/054 791 791
137 Mark Staples GSH 48 M4049 23/036 788 788
Raini Helmstader 20 M2039 45/054 788 788
139 Jerry Landman 14 M0119 6/008 784 784
140 Brian St Jean EORC 57 M5059 34/051 776 776
Bruce Bussiere 63 M6069 28/039 776 776
142 Sean Sylvester 46 M4049 24/036 775 775
143 Nick McSata 40 M4049 25/036 769 769
144 Craig Kannel GSH 53 M5059 35/051 765 765
145 Tom Witkop 46 M4049 26/036 761 761
146 Patrick Pezzati GSH 54 M5059 36/051 754 754
147 Brock Currie 35 M2039 46/054 753 753
Christopher Reese 56 M5059 37/051 753 753
149 Jim Reis SMAC 73 M7099 6/008 745 745
150 Celio Hernandez GSH 64 M6069 29/039 739 739
151 Adam Osmond HTC 50 M5059 38/051 737 737
152 Bob Dacey HTC 68 M6069 30/039 716 716
153 Mike Murphy SMAC 68 M6069 31/039 715 715
154 Bill Devos 50 M5059 39/051 709 709
155 Michael Montemagni GSH 63 M6069 32/039 695 695
156 Eric Nazer 37 M2039 47/054 692 692
157 Ben Ferro EORC 36 M2039 48/054 684 684
158 Charles Vanasse EORC 56 M5059 40/051 681 681
159 Gram Pezzati 15 M0119 7/008 674 674
160 Ned Lefferts 52 M5059 41/051 667 667
161 Dr.fran Feeney 58 M5059 42/051 666 666
162 Corey Clark 30 M2039 49/054 664 664
163 Matt Bruton 30 M2039 50/054 663 663
164 Kevin McNeill 33 M2039 51/054 658 658
165 Paul Mikuszewski 44 M4049 27/036 653 653
Rick Donaher 56 M5059 43/051 653 653
167 Harry Hayward SMAC 66 M6069 33/039 652 652
168 Chris Conz 41 M4049 28/036 651 651
169 Aidan Gallagher 25 M2039 52/054 648 648
170 Mike Duffy SMAC 66 M6069 34/039 647 647
Richard Gallagher 56 M5059 44/051 647 647
172 Jonas Patruno 46 M4049 29/036 630 630
173 Jim Longhi 47 M4049 30/036 626 626
174 Craig Plante 61 M6069 35/039 613 613
175 Lomelyn Baez 45 M4049 31/036 609 609
176 Tami Bresnahan 56 M5059 45/051 607 607
177 Charlie DeWeese 70 M7099 7/008 603 603
178 Lee Bradley 75 M7099 8/008 597 597
Ruben Velazquez 55 M5059 46/051 597 597
180 Jack Brennan 12 M0119 8/008 594 594
Sean Brennan 47 M4049 32/036 594 594
182 John Plata EORC 55 M5059 47/051 586 265 321
John Ferrarina 62 M6069 36/039 586 586
184 Rob Gallagher 56 M5059 48/051 585 585
185 Bill Spear 60 M6069 37/039 584 584
186 Ken Walker CSU 68 M6069 38/039 583 583
187 Tsani Bonds 21 M2039 53/054 580 580
188 Paul Jozefczyk EORC 55 M5059 49/051 577 577
189 Benito Donzalez 45 M4049 33/036 547 547
190 Don Meade 53 M5059 50/051 544 544
191 Kenny Komala 40 M4049 34/036 543 543
192 Larry Picard 60 M6069 39/039 503 503
193 Eric Johnson 47 M4049 35/036 495 495
194 Chris Malia 27 M2039 54/054 474 474
195 John Gallagher 45 M4049 36/036 473 473
196 John Kelly 55 M5059 51/051 430 430
* POINTS: A point total series similar to summer EORC's Thursday night Holyoke Elks & Monday night
Stanley Park weekly point series.
Point formula is calculated as follows:
Runner Points = Floor(1000 * (winning time / runner time)) where time is in total seconds
Example: Winning time is 17:58 is worth 1000 points, next place time is 18:51
17:58 = (17 min * 60 sec/min + 58 sec) = 1072 sec 18:51 = 1131 secs
Points = Floor(1000 points * (1072 sec / 1131)) = 953
* AGE: Your agegroup is determined by your age as of the last race in point series. If your are
moving into a new age group during the point series, you won't lose out having your
total points split out over two different age groups.
* RACE A minimum of 7 races must be run to qualify for awards.
* AWARDS Presented on the final race of the season
- Top 2 males/females overall
- Top 2 males/females in age groups 1-19,20-39,40-49,50-50,60-69,70+
top 2 overall removed, no double dipping
Submit corrections 'rlandry@harriers.org'
Results produced by Rob Landry & Greater Springfield Harriers
REPORT DATE: 3/8/2018 9:26:20 PM